

We know how much you value having beautiful, clean-looking floors for your space. But something that’s even more valuable right now? Clean air. Before you can have clean air, though, you need clean surfaces. And that’s why we offer Neutralize™ Pro: our commercial flooring installation system that helps eliminate viruses, giving you the confidence to open your doors, and have trust in your air.™


Whether you’re installing new floors, or simply want your space to be truly clean, our proprietary installation system kills mold, mildew and germs—including 99.9% of viruses, like COVID-19. And our certified technicians will ensure your space meets Indoor Air & Surface® Quality Standards. So you can breathe easier.

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By adding Neutralize™ Pro to your commercial flooring installation, you can truly start fresh. Our certified technicians are trained to implement this seven-step system, giving you beautiful new floors, and trust in your air.™ We will:

VACUUM your subfloor with a HEPA-certified vacuum.

IONIZE, which scrubs your air of particles to within 0.3 microns (an optional upgrade).

APPLY an antimicrobial coating to the subfloor, eliminating dust mites, allergens and more.

INSTALL your beautiful new flooring, for that fresh clean look.

SUPPLEMENT with a second round of HEPA-certified vacuuming.

DISINFECT with an application that eliminates 99.9% of viruses, including COVID-19.

MAINTAIN standards by returning periodically to vacuum and apply disinfectant (an optional upgrade).

We’re air advocates.
And floor specialists.

We’re more than Neutralize™ Pro specialists. We’re also your local flooring experts. Whether you’re seeking plush carpet for your lobby, fresh new tile for your hallways or beautiful hardwood for your office, we can help. We’re locally owned and eager to assist in selecting just the right floors for your space.

Ready for cleaner air?